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Home > Films > Women in Prison 02

Women in Prison 02


Videos of CFNF and lesbian scenes from Women in Prison movies.


The shower clock (NSFW).

While the 2003 WiP movie Prison A Go Go can only be regarded as unmitigated rubbish it does at least feature an innovation which I believe really should be incorporated into the wider movie world. This is the Shower Clock which sits in the corner of the screen, ticking down the seconds until the next shower scene. Here are a couple of examples so that you can judge its merits for yourselves. Since seeing this film I keep seeing an imaginary shower clock whenever I'm watching women's sports. Well, we can all dream I suppose.


Boobs behind bars (NSFW).

Being cooped up in a cell for most of the time would clearly be a boring business which, in the world of Women in Prison movies, leads to inmates getting up to all sorts of capers to combat the ennui. Here is an example from the 1982 WiP classic Violence in a Women's Prison with saucy cell block sister Malone (Antonella Giacomini) getting the inmates in the adjoining men's prison all hot and bothered by putting on a saucy show for them until someone sets off the boob alarm, bringing the entertainment to an abrupt end.


The punishment hose (NSFW).

While the 1989 film The Dead Pit is set in a women's secure psychiatric hospital rather than a prison I would still class it as a WiP movie as it features all the tropes fans of the genre have come to know and love. Here, for example, is the leading character, Jane (Cheryl Lawson), being tormented by one of the obligatory sadistic lesbian staffers with the trusty punishment hose which produces a jet so powerful it can blast a girl's clothes off at twenty paces. Just imagine all the fun you could have with a punishment hose of your very own.


Welcome to Love Camp (NSFW).

It's always nice when a film's title is also a synopsis of the plot and the 1976 Nazisploitation movie SS Experiment Love Camp is a case in point. There are plenty of bare babes participating in love orientated experiments organised by the SS pretty much from the start but first these saucy subjects are treated to a nice refreshing shower and a medical check up before getting down to business. Who says scientific research can't be fun?


Spooky shower shenanigans (NSFW).

Any Women in Prison film worthy of the name must feature at least one scene set in the shower block with oodles of wet and soapy babe babes on show. The bizarre Shaw Brothers comedy horror WiP mashup Haunted Jail House from 1989 gives the obligatory shower scene a unique twist when a group of inmates are at their ablutions (while being spied on by three cheeky fellows who have climbed a tree for the purpose) when one of the ghostly girls who haunt the prison decides to have a bit of supernatural fun with them.


Nasty and nice (NSFW).

The 1984 WiP film Women in Fury follows the well tried formula of an innocent girl, Angela (Suzane Carvalho), wrongly imprisoned in a correctional institution which is absolutely chock full of lesbians only to find herself attracting the amorous attentions of the chief warder (played by Rossana Ghessa) who is, of course, also the most dominant lesbian in the place. At first this Sapphic sadist tries to bully Angela into becoming her love bunny (including a fire hosing, a favourite method of coercion in WiP movies). When these methods fail she opts for a more gentle approach which, as we can see, leads to a more agreeable situation.


Special treatment (NSFW).

Those of you who have perused this section before have probably formed the opinion that lesbian law enforcers are a sadistic lot but they are capable of treating their charges with loving care too. To demonstrate, here are some clips from the aptly named 1980 WiP film Bare Behind Bars. First up we get to witness the chief warden, Sylvia (Maria Stella Splendore), inducting a new inmate in her own special way before we head over to the infirmary where Nurse Barbara (Marta Anderson) is treating a patient with an unorthodox, but clearly very effective, medical procedure. Finally it's back to the head warden's office where the inducting has reached fever pitch as the two of them thrash about on the settee in the throes of induction passion. While this regime may not deter lesbians from a life of crime at least it keeps them off the streets.


Female prisoners getting whipped into shape (NSFW).

When undercover agent Nathalie Baskova (Patrizia Gori) infiltrates a prison camp to rescue one of the inmates she discovers that sadistic warder Helga Hortz (Jacqueline Laurent) has set up her very own lesbian sex dungeon in which she gives misbehaved inmates a disciplinary whipping on the flimsiest of pretexts, with the occasional public thrashing to set an example to any other would be troublemakers. Eventually Nathalie is unmasked and finds herself at the mercy of  Helga in Nathalie: Escape From Hell.


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