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Monsters 01


Videos of monsters, mutants and nude girls from the movies.


Most silly monster ever? (NSFW)

Horror movies have produced some impressively daft monsters over the years (Sharktopus and Mega Piranha being fine examples) but surely there are none more silly than the titular monster of Dickshark, made in 2016. Like all schlock hooror monstrosities this beastie loves nothing more than getting girls naked as we can see in this clip.


A Japanese monster fighting dirty (NSFW).

In the wonderful world of Japanese superheroine movies things often go awry for the upholders of law and justice. Here is an example from an unknown movie with a hapless heroine getting into all sorts of bother when she takes on a monster who just doesn't believe in fighting fair.


An ENF loving space monster (NSFW).

Regular readers of this blog will doubtless be aware that ENF is universally popular, being enjoyed not only by humans but also by zombies, aliens, sentient plants and all other conscious creatures. Here is an ENF loving space monster from the truly dreadful 1981 Alien rip off Galaxy of Terror hunting down hapless space babe Dameia (Taaffe O'Connell) and covering her in clothes dissolving drool. 


A babe abducting monster on the loose (NSFW).

A trip to the woods with your special girl for some sweet loving amid nature is a joyous experience for sure but for those of you considering such an adventure caution is advised. Monsters are inexorably drawn to bare babes so it is prudent to check out the area for lurking beasties before getting down to business so as not to suffer the same fate as this couple from the 1974 creature feature The Beauties and the Beast.


A monstrous deviant (NSFW).

Anyone invited to stay at a creepy remote Gothic castle should probably politely decline the offer, especially when the castle in question is at the epicentre of a series of gruesome murders. Babe scientist Ivanna Rakowsky (Erna Schürer) disregards this sound advice to assist Baron Dalmar in his insane experiments which centre on attempting to resurrect his dead brother who was burned to a crisp in a tragic mad science mishap some years before and whose carbonised corpse is kept in a bath tub filled with a powerful hallucinogenic fluid. It seems this is the very last place Ivanna expected to encounter a monster, let alone a CMNF loving monster. No prizes for guessing what happens next in Scream of the Demon Lover.


Boob seeking monsters on the loose (NSFW).

Even well intentioned scientific experiments can go badly awry and unleash monsters which is exactly what happens when a chemical compound meant to produce super sized salmon creates instead monstrous Humanoids From the Deep. As regular visitors will know, monsters are unable to resist the lure of unfettered boobies and these fishy fiends are no exception. In these examples we first get to see saucy strumpet Becky (Lisa Glaser) attracting the attention of a boob seeking beastie (resulting in the gruesome death of a ventriloquist as an added bonus) before a whole bunch of monsters run amok at the Annual Salmon Festival where beauty queen Miss Salmon (Linda Shayne) proves to be a tempting target to these tit crazed abominations.


Maidroid: every home should have one (NSFW).

When geeky science student Akiba receives a delivery from his recently deceased professor he discovers that it contains the prof's final invention: an android maid called Maria (Akiho Yoshizawa) in Maidroid vs Hostroids. After recovering from his initial surprise Akiba finds that Maria is an indispensable home help. I have to say that I would dearly love to have a maidroid of my own and I think that when you have watched this video you will want one too.


Acquiring the kiss of death (NSFW).

One of my all time favourite mad scientists is the insidious Dr Fu Manchu, although none of the film and TV adaptations have ever captured the malevolent genius of the original books. Nonetheless they have provided us with some jolly romps such as this offering from 1968; The Blood of Fu Manchu in which the evil genius (played by horror legend Christopher Lee) devises a plan to assassinate world leaders by means of the kiss of death which is to be administered by beautiful girls selected for that purpose. But how does one imbue a girl with this stealthy means of murder? By having her bitten by a boob seeking venomous snake of course. It may be that there is a sound scientific basis for having the snakes inject their venom into bared boob flesh but I suspect it is more in the interests of gratuitous screen nudity (not that I'm complaining about that).


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