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ENF at the Movies 04


Mainstream cinema scenes featuring embarrassed nude females.


Boob loving barbarians (NSFW).

The wonderful world of 1980s sword and sorcery films never lacked for bare boobies and here is a clip from another fine example of the genre; Sword of the Barbarians, made in 1982. In this scene the obligatory dark lord tires to learn the location of the hero by having his girlfriend, Aki (Yvonne Fraschetti), tied up for a quick flogging before abruptly abandoning this plan to take a different tack. I suspect this is merely a plot token to cram yet more bare boobs into a film that features plenty of CMNF and ENF scenes. Not that I'm complaining about such an approach; those were happy days indeed. 


An ENF CFNF shower scene (NSFW).

Sisters Cynthia and Morgana (played by real life sisters Misty and Chelsea Mundae) have a love hate relationship which leads to them playing mean ENF pranks on each other in the 2003 movie Sin Sisters. In this scene Morgana, seeking vengeance for an earlier humiliation, secretly videos Cynthia in the school showers and broadcasts it to the principle's office where it is seen by Cynthia's gloating nemesis Beth. While I cannot pretend that this film is anything other than low budget dross it does at least feature almost constant female nudity throughout.


Defying Satan is punished with ENF (NSFW).

While Satanism may seem an attractive lifestyle choice for some with plenty of wild abandon and orgiastic rites it is worth remembering that the Horned One demands total submission from his devotees. When Chris (Barra Grant) starts having second thoughts about being a devil worshipper in the 1972 movie Daughters of Satan she finds herself being stripped in front of all her fellow Satanists before the high priestess quite literally whips her into shape.


ENF in the jungle (NSFW).

You would imagine that the nonsensical 1985 adventure romp Massacre in Dinosaur Valley would have a lot of dinosaurs in it but, despite the title, there is not a single prehistoric beast to be seen. There are, however, plenty of bare babes to enchant the eye at regular intervals throughout the movie. In this scene a palaeontologist's daughter and a fashion model (played by Suzane Carvalho and Susie Hahn) have been captured by the locals who decide to get them out of their western clothes and into something more suitable for jungle conditions which, happily enough, turns out to be almost nothing. This means that when the dashing hero comes to the rescue they flee to safety with their unfettered funbags jiggling vigorously which is a joyous sight to be sure.


ENF scenes from Justine de Sade (NSFW).

If you enjoy ENF scenes in mainstream movies I think you will love the 1972 film Justine de Sade (based on the novel Justine by the notorious Marquis de Sade) in which the hapless heroine of the title, played by Alice Arno, trusts in God's goodness and innate human kindness only to discover that everyone she encounters just wants to get her naked. Scarcely does she have time to exclaim "I am but a poor orphan..." before she is being stripped yet again as ENF, CFNF and CMNF scenes follow one another in rapid succession. Not only does she keep losing her clothes but she gets subjected to all sorts of bondage and spanking shenanigans for good measure. Truly an ENF masterpiece.


ENF gang warfare (NSFW).

The Japanese film franchise Terrifying Girls' High School revolves around criminal gangs of high school girls getting up to all manner of unlawful shenanigans. These girl gangs often become embroiled in turf wars for control of various criminal enterprises with the losers being subjected to ENF humiliations at the hands of the victors. Here are a couple of clips from Delinquent Convulsion Group, made in 1974, featuring such acts of ENF themed retribution.


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