Random Anime Videos 02
Strange and sexy anime video clips from various series.
An indispensable skill.
When impoverished aspiring adventurer Noir stumbles upon an unknown labyrinth in The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter he becomes the student of Olivia, a mage of immense power who teaches him how to increase his hit points by having erotic encounters with beautiful babes. Here he is racking up those points by learning the skill Lucky Lecher. This certainly looks like a must have skill to me.
Killer kitty.
I still struggle to believe that there are people in the world who don't like anime, even though new and amazing animes keep appearing all the time. Take, for example, Reincarnated as a Sword from 2022 in which the formula of someone being transported to an anime universe to be reborn as an adventurer of some sort is given a twist when a chap finds himself transformed into a sentient sword of immense power. All he needs is someone to wield him. That someone turns out to be a diminutive cat girl named Fran. With her new found companion Fran soon becomes the bane of all things evil as we can see in this clip where she begins to tentatively unleash some of her new abilities. As the series goes on the dynamic duo start slaughtering all manner of high level nasties. I can hardly wait for the next series.
Perfect parfait (NSFW).
I suspect that the title of this update will have many of you thinking "But parfait is perfect" and while I cannot disagree with that statement I think that this dreamy serving suggestion from High School DxD can only make the famously tempting treat even more alluring.
The bane of demons.
The 2020 anime series Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle tells the tale of Princess Syalis who is kidnapped by the Demon King as part of his plan to force a showdown with the heroic (but slow witted) paragon Ataksuki. Syalis loves nothing more than snoozing but finds that the Demon Castle is not conducive to taking a nap and so she undertakes a series of quests to find ways to expedite the onset of sleep. She soon discovers that demons, far from being the monstrous and evil beings you might expect, are actually a bunch of big softies that she can easily coerce into assisting her. In this episode she sets out on a quest to find someone to use acupressure to induce sleep but, as usual, just ends up leaving the hapless demons scared and mortified.
Battling bare babes (NSFW).
Here is another clip from my favourite superhero franchise; Kekko Kamen. This time the naked superheroine is combating a nude android girl in an unclothed battle royal. Faced with such a formidable opponent the heroine looks like she may have finally met her match. Can she locate her adversary's weak point to snatch victory? Watch the clip to find out.
Anime maid Airi at your service (NSFW).
Airi is an adorable anime maid from the Queen's Blade franchise who also happens to be a wraith which means that her saucy French maid’s outfit grows more and more insubstantial as she becomes tired or loses hit points until it finally disappears completely. Here she is at the end of a long hard day still working hard to please you even though her increasing tiredness means that she is constantly exposing herself as she goes about her chores. An enchanting sight, I'm sure you'll agree.
Mad anime science (NSFW).
If you enjoy anime and you also like mad science then this clip from Dragonar Academy is sure to brighten up your day. When a dragon is incarnated in the form of a human girl called Eco mad babe scientist Angela Cornwell is so intrigued that she abducts the hapless dragon girl and whisks her away to her laboratory to be the subject of some diabolical experiments. When Eco's chums arrive on a rescue mission the scene is set for a maelstrom of mad science and magic centered on a bare anime babe. How anyone could fail to enjoy such a spectacle is beyond my understanding.